Analysis and design of class E-LCCL compensation circuit topology circuit topology for capacitive power transfer system

Khairul Kamarudin Hasan, Shakir Saat, Yusmarnita Yusop, Masmaria Abdul Majid, Mohd Sufian Ramli


This research introduces the analysis and design of Class E-LCCL for capacitive power transfer (CPT) system. The CPT Class-E LCCL system is able to operate at high-frequency with decreased capacitance plate size and at reduced power losses by minimising switching losses. Additionally, the design of a CPT Class-E LCCL power amplifier is less complicated, since it is usually lighter and smaller with comparative intolerance to different circuit variants; hence, enabling the possibility of miniaturising the system. In this work, the capability of the CPT Class-E LCCL CPT system powered by 24 V DC supply voltage while operating at 1 MHz was analysed via experimental works and extensive simulation. Lastly, a CPT Class-E LCCL system prototype was built, generating 10 W output power via a 0.1 cm air gap at a near-perfect efficiency level of 96.68%. These findings could be beneficial for household apparatus, medical implants, and charging consumer electronics.


Capacitive Power transfer; Class E-LCCL Inverter; Wireless Power transfer; Zero Voltage Switching

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Copyright (c) 2021 Khairul Kamarudin Hasan, Shakir Saat, Yusmarnita Yusop, Masmaria Abdul Majid, Mohd Sufian Ramli

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