Necessity of artificial intelligence techniques for power quality issues in electric vehicles

Vidhya Kuruvilla, Pandiyan Venkatesh Kumar


World transportation is in an electrified mass transitional phase due to the predominant features such as a greener environment, fewer maintenance requirements, improved reliability and energy management efficiency compared to conventional transportation. Numerous difficulties have emerged since electric vehicle sales hit record highs, including how electrified transportation works with the grid. Emerging innovations and technological advances in the field of artificial intelligence have led to the development of enhanced controllers for electric vehicle penetration with the grid. This work includes information on the integration of artificial intelligence strategies used for the mitigation of power quality issues. By merging artificial intelligence techniques into the grid, users can achieve efficient energy use and beneficial power interactions between the grid and electric vehicles. To assess the network's practicality, this research develops a charging model that uses a Tasmanian Devil optimization (TDO) algorithm based on MATLAB software. According to research, TDO improves the waveform quality by reducing the THD with better performance and achieves efficient power transfer between the grid and EVs.


artificial intelligence; charging station; electric vehicle; energy management; power quality; smart grid; vehicle to grid

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