Design and energy performance of PV systems: a case study Kosova

Blerina Bylykbashi, Bukurije Hoxha


The energy and environmental crisis are increasing every day. Where the
focus of energy production is being driven by renewable energy sources. Solar
energy represents an inexhaustible source of energy that can be used almost
anywhere. This paper presents the analysis of the energy performance of
photovoltaic (PV) and photovoltaic thermal (PVT) panels for the climatic
conditions of Kosovo. The site analyzed is the building of the University
Clinical Center in Prishtina. The analysis included five types of photovoltaic
modules from where the highest energy performance is shown by the PVT
panels with a theoretical power produced during July 273 W while during
December 78 W. Also, with an efficiency of 59.77% during the month of
December and an efficiency of 17.08% during the month of July. While
among the other types of PV panels, polycrystalline panels have the best
performance with a theoretical power of 252 W during July and 72 W during
December. But they showed an efficiency of 48.78 during the month of
December and an efficiency of 13.94 during the month of July. The analysis
made is presented in an analytical and detailed manner for certain climatic
conditions of annual measurements.


Efficiency; energy generated; energy performance; photovoltaics; solar energy

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