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Derbel, Nabil, University of Sfax (Tunisia)
Derouich, A., USMBA University (Morocco)
Derouich, Aziz, Laboratory of Production Engineering, Energy and Sustainable Development, Higher School of Technology, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Fez, Morocco (Morocco)
Derouich, Aziz, Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University Fez (Morocco)
Derri, Mounir, Hassania School of Public Works (EHTP) (Morocco)
Derri, Mounir, Hassan 1 University (Morocco)
Derrouazin, Ahmed, University of Chlef (Algeria)
Desa, Wan Nurlaila Yusra Mat, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia)
Deshpande, Abhay Anandarao, Rashtreeya Vidyalaya College of Engineering (India)
Desnanjaya, I Gusti Made Ngurah, Indonesian Institute of Business and Technology (Indonesia)
Desnanjaya, I Gusti Made Ngurah, STMIK STIKOM Indonesia (Indonesia)
Desnanjaya, I Gusti Made Ngurah, Institute of Business and Technology Indonesia (Indonesia)
Dessouki, Mohamed Elshahat, King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia)
Dessouky, Yasser Gaber, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime transport (Egypt)
Dev Singh, Kapil, Galgotias University (India)
Devanathan, R., Hindustan University (India)
Devaraj, D., Kalasalingam University (India)
Devarajan, Dr N, Professor Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg Government College of Technology Coimbatore (India)
Devarakonda, Seshachalam, BMS College of Engineering (India)
Devasahayam, Jebakumar Immanuel, Karpagam Institute of Technology (India)
Devasahayam, Ramya, Sathyabama institute of science & Technology (India)
Devendiren, Shobana, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (India)
Deverajan, N., Government College of Technology (India)
Devi, D. Chitra, S.A. Engineering College (India)
Devi, Tellapati Anuradha, Vardhaman College of Engineering (India)

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